Upcoming Guided Trips

15 February 2025

Afternoon guided tour of Glen Nevis. Meet at Upper Falls Carpark at 1.00 pm.

£10 per person. All proceeds to Lochaber Mountain Rescue.


On this guided walk we will explore the geological history of Glen Nevis, from the first formation of the rocks in primordial oceans a billion years ago, through the continental collision which formed the Caledonian mountains to more recent glacial shaping of the landscape.  Glen Nevis is a brilliant place to explore how the Ice Age shaped our hills, with Nevis Gorge, Steall Falls and the Meadow classic examples of post-glacial landforms.  On the way into the Meadow we will examine the rocks which formed the ancient basement of the Caledonian mountains and see the red Nevis granite – evidence of the immense pressure and temperatures existing deep in mountain roots.
